Devils - Collection
This Installation collection has made as my final project of Mixed Media course at University of GUILAN.
Devils have been gone many years ago.
At this time, shadows are breaking inner cages to release from inside.
And dark our worlds and fill the emptiness.
They are everywhere.
Those people who getting infected , Now infect the others.
Title: Devils - Collection
Teacher: Shahab Golchin
Software: Adobe Photoshop , Adobe After Effects
Year: 2016
Devils have been gone many years ago.
At this time, shadows are breaking inner cages to release from inside.
And dark our worlds and fill the emptiness.
They are everywhere.
Those people who getting infected , Now infect the others.
Title: Devils - Collection
Teacher: Shahab Golchin
Software: Adobe Photoshop , Adobe After Effects
Year: 2016
By Sepehr Khoshnazar
Known as Sepkhkh
Year: 2016